Tuesday 20 Dec 2022

As 2022 draws to a close, it is time for us to reflect on the massive year that was. We have seen big changes within our business, for the better, as we continue striving to be the leading Sunshine Coast agency, while remaining dedicated to putting our clients first. Throughout the year we have worked hard to update our systems and processes, streamline our workflows and continually educate and develop the skills within our team. We do this so not only so we stand out from the competition but so we can confidently say that we are working harder for our clients than ever before and getting the best possible outcomes every day!

Since first establishing the business a decade ago, we have worked tirelessly to create a local real estate business that has laser focus on customer satisfaction and great results. Together we have recruited, trained and retained some of the top real estate professionals in the area and cultivated a collaborative office environment where the team work together, support each other and are collectively moving toward common goals. People often notice the difference in our company culture because it is so different from other real estate businesses.

We understand that buying, selling and renting involves your largest assets and are some of the most important transactions you will make in your lifetime and that is why our office motto is to always put you first. Our team are dedicated to making every decision based on what is best for the customer, regardless of the circumstance. Inspired by a Richard Branson quote, ‘If you look after your staff, they will look after your customers’, we are passionate about providing ongoing education, professional development for our team as we support them through difficult challenges while praising success and sharing the wins.  

What we have created for customers that work with First National Lifestyle, is that they get the opportunity to partner with a local Sunshine Coast real estate agency that provides an experience like no other, because we are putting you first and using our extensive knowledge, experience and understanding to work for you! Our goal is for the First National Lifestyle team to offer unrivalled customer service proudly and consistently, record sale prices and outstanding property management services. 

Our team is structured with sales, property management and operations divisions. Our sales division is led by Gavin who is the number one agent in Sippy Downs and holds countless sales records and has endless experience and knowledge to share with the team. He is accompanied by the ambitious and energetic Mason Hayward who is fast becoming a revered agent in the area, supported by the talented Amy Skinner who continues to surprise and delight her clients along the way. The property management team has Tracie Read-Withers at the helm and with over 22 years industry experience, she leads her passionate team, Broek Whitfield and Lisa Rayner. Kylie oversees the operational management, taking on all departments and functions, while Roseanna Zarb makes sure the day to day of the office is running smoothly. Matt Nason rounds out the team as he takes a close look into systems and processes to make continual tweaks and improvements that will provide real impact on the customer experience. But wait… we almost forget, Eboni the team Poodle that looks after meet and greets and making sure visitors to the office feel welcomed and loved!

We are looking forward to another big year in 2023 and are grateful for the interactions, celebrations, transactions and satisfaction we have been a part of this year. We encourage you to provide your feedback about your First National Lifestyle experience by leaving us a review by CLICKING HERE.

Thanks Gavin and Kylie